Red Tailed Black Cockatoo Parrot Eggs For Sale


Fertile Red Tailed Black Cockatoo Parrot Eggs For Sale

Eggs comes with hatching incubator hand booklet.

Sales contract document.

We sell all our eggs, Only when the eggs are 7 days old.

All Eggs available now.

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The Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo is the largest of the black cockatoo species found in Australia. Overall, plumage is mostly black with an erectile crest that forms prominent helmets when raised – it has a large, robust bill. Adult males have bright red in the tail, very conspicuous when taking flight or viewed from below. Adult females have overall duller plumage with pale yellow spots on the head, neck, and inner wing coverts as well as orange-yellow barring on its undertail as opposed to red in males. Juveniles are similar to females but have white eye-ring. Both sexes have dark brown eyes and brown-grey legs and feet; males have a dark grey bill, while the bill of the female is off-white.


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